Hi 👋 I'm El Mehdi

I am a full-stack software engineer with experience in the JavaScript, Ruby, and Go ecosystems, as well as PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS, and React/Redux.

Recently, I built Canopy, an open-source real-time monitoring framework designed specifically for CDNs.

Case Study Resume

Canopy is a low-config CDN monitoring framework that automates an end-to-end deployment pipeline that collects, transforms, and stores CDN logs in real-time for visualization and analysis based on Google's four golden signals of monitoring.

Select Projects

A sample of some of the projects I've worked on

webhook Inspector

Webhooks Inspector

A real-time webhook debugging tool built with React, Express, TypeScript, Socket.io, MongoDB, and Postgres



Airline routing application that leverages Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path, built with React and TypeScript



A database-backed to-do list app built with Ruby, Sinatra, Erb, PostgreSQL, HTML, and CSS

Let's Connect!

I am currently looking for my next opportunity! Please get in touch if you think I'd be a good fit for your team